WeTeK Berlin gGmbH

As a non-profit organization, we develop and implement innovative and creative educational projects for different addressees. Our areas of expertise include Career orientation, paths in training and work, training, qualification, and further education, media education and (cultural) youth work. The origin and continuing idea of our work is to enable the addressees of our projects to critically examine social and technological developments.
Guided by a humanistic and democratic worldview, we see our goals in creating:

• Educational access and educational equity,
• Rooms for holistic personality development, as well as
• a culture of independence in terms of sustainable educational processes.

In order to achieve these goals, we attach great importance to reliable cooperation within the framework of regional, national and European networks. We consider the diversity of work and life experiences, attitudes and behavior as valuable potential for the development of our company and the society. With the application of qualitative standards, we ensure the long-term effectiveness of our work.

  • Pfefferberg Haus 12,
  • Christinenstraße 18-19, 10119 Berlin
  • +49 (0)30 22 50 150-0
  • +49 (0)30 22 50 150-19
  • info@wetek.de
  • wetek.de


If you are looking for a reliable partner to develop a new transnational project, please let us know. As a recognized educational institution for independent youth assistance, we are willing to share our experiences, contacts, know–how and professionals in order to implement new transnational partner initiatives.

We are looking forward to new partnerships and are open to develop new transnational projects.
We are already a member of several european networks:


ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) is designed as a social empowerment initiative for disadvantaged young people aged 18 to 29 not in employment, education or training (NEETs). ALMA is implemented under the ESF+ by Member States and supported by the European Commission at EU level.

Please contact us on europe@wetek.de


Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda.